Institute of Social Sciences Information




Dernière mise à jour : 10/02/2023
Last update: 2023-02-10T04:15:25
Cập nhật cuối cùng: 2023-02-10T04:15:25
Porte du Midi, Cité Impériale de Hué, aquarelle de René Mercier, 1941 (EFEO-MERR00421)
Ngọ Môn, Cửa Kinh thành Huế, tranh màu nước, René Mercier, 1941
Porte du Midi, Cité Impériale de Hué, aquarelle de René Mercier, 1941 (EFEO-MERR00421) Ngọ Môn, Cửa Kinh thành Huế, tranh màu nước, René Mercier, 1941

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The photographs stamped ISSI are kept at the Institut d’Information en sciences sociales Social.

Building B, 1 Liễu Giai, Ba Đình, Hanoi, Vietnam, tel: (84-24) 62730865, those marked EFEO are archived at the headquarters of the École française d'Extrême-Orient, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France, tel: (+33) 1 53 70 18 20


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